God`s people conglomerated the pagan worship of Ashtaroth& . She is prophetic. He was king of Phoenicia and the high priest of Ashtaroth... BABYLON SYSTEM SERVE YAHSHUA (HEBREW CALENDAR)& ..
ashtaroth worship
. Jezebel is the seducing goddess of war.... Around the sacred stone,& ..
Around the sacred stone,& ....Ashtaroth is the goddess of Jezebel..For some time Ashtart under the name Ashtoreth seems to have been worshipped side by side with the Hebrew God as His consort; He was early on called Ba`al, a general title meaning “Lord”, used in the area to refer to each& . 69 (1990)
.For some time Ashtart under the name Ashtoreth seems to have been worshipped side by side with the Hebrew God as His consort; He was early on called Ba`al, a general title meaning “Lord”, used in the area to refer to each& . 69 (1990). We looked at how Ashtaroth represents both pseudo-Christian& .(all days on babylon calendar worship baal/astaroth/tammuz=SATAN just as all days on hebrew calendar worship yahweh/yahshua/holy spirit matt 28:18,19. The Holiness Code intended to prevent Israel from adopting the Canaanite religious practice of fertility goddess worship.Life Application: Syncretism was the Buzzword for Israel`s idea of worship. This guy may look black on the outside but he is as white as that Oreo filling on the inside working for his Illuminati&
The Holiness Code intended to prevent Israel from adopting the Canaanite religious practice of fertility goddess worship.Life Application: Syncretism was the Buzzword for Israel`s idea of worship. This guy may look black on the outside but he is as white as that Oreo filling on the inside working for his Illuminati& . She has been loosed within the Church busy hijacking& .. God`s people conglomerated the pagan worship of Ashtaroth& . She is prophetic. He was king of Phoenicia and the high priest of Ashtaroth
God`s people conglomerated the pagan worship of Ashtaroth& . She is prophetic. He was king of Phoenicia and the high priest of Ashtaroth... BABYLON SYSTEM SERVE YAHSHUA (HEBREW CALENDAR)& ..
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